Reviews – Located in Hong Kong

0.9 out of 5 stars


common view is an online pharmacy that sells hundreds of different drugs at what they themselves say are very low prices. A large variety of contact methods are offered on this drugstore website for users to choose from. There are for example two phone numbers featured in the header of the website, along with a live chat and callback feature that allows you to enter your phone number and then for the customer service team to ring you. Furthermore, there is a ‘Contact Us’ page that includes a form where you can also enter your contact details as well as your message, and then wait for the customer service team to get back to you. In this article, we are going to be providing you with key information so that you can make up your mind if this drugstore website is safe to use. 

Read more Reviews – Bold Claims

0.9 out of 5 stars


main details is a drugstore website that claims to sell high-quality medication as well as apparently offering worldwide shipping. Moreover, there is a US toll-free phone number located in the top left of the website, this phone number can be used to get in contact with the customer service team if you have any issues. Other forms of contact include a contact form on its own special page as well as a live chat feature that is accessible by clicking on a light blue button in the header. A lot of bold claims are made by this pharmaceutical website, in this article, we will be investigating whether these claims are true or not.

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