Reviews – Trustworthy

3.6 out of 5 stars


common view is a pharmacy website that claims that its aim is to offer a safe service to customers that want to purchase pharmaceuticals at affordable prices. No phone number is displayed on this e-commerce drugstore, however, there is a ‘Click to Call’ button where the customer can enter their personal details, their query, and their phone number. Then the customer service team can contact the customer by phone. This saves a lot of time for the customer as they do not have to wait if the phone line happens to be busy but can instead pick up when they are free. In this article, we will be presenting the verified information that we have discovered about this drugstore website in order to decide whether you will go ahead and purchase from this e-commerce platform.

Read more Reviews – Less Reliable

0.9 out of 5 stars


common view is a US-based internet pharmacy that claims to sell low-cost prescription drugs to American citizens. They are affiliated with TCDS, one of the best pharmacies in Canada, and have been operating for more than 10 years. They also their office is located in Colorado and they ship their medicines from different parts of the world when needed. We have investigated the pharmacy to discover the truth behind their claims and whether it’s safe to consume their drugs or not.

Read more Reviews – Safe Place to Buy

3.8 out of 5 stars


common view is a US-based online pharmacy that sells Sildenafil and other men’s generic health drugs at reasonable prices. They claim that they are operating since 1999 and only sell FDA-approved generic health drugs. They allegedly have over 630,000 customers and there is no auto-billing or monthly subscriptions on their platform. We reviewed the pharmacy to discover how much truth is there in their claims and whether they are safe to buy drugs or not.

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