Reviews. Medstore Online Shutdown by FDA

1.3 out of 5 stars is an online pharmacy which claims to have been operating since 2009. They say they are following FDA regulations and providing a safe, reliable service to customers. We investigate the background of this store and find many highly troubling problems, that you should read about if you’re thinking of shopping with them.
Business NameMedstore Online
Business AddressNo0.5 out of 5 stars
LicenseNo0.5 out of 5 stars
Country of origin of medicationsPakistan, India1 out of 5 stars
Countries where warehouses are locatedPakistan, India, USA, etc1.5 out of 5 stars
Phone numbers/customer support+1-888-927-65-71
Mirror and related websitesN/A
Cross-border smuggling addressed to the receiverStrong possibility0.5 out of 5 stars
Medication counterfeitingStrong possibility0.5 out of 5 stars
Risk of poisoningStrong possibility0.5 out of 5 stars
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
CIPA, Canadian International Pharmacy AssociationNo0.5 out of 5 stars
HHS, U.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesNo0.5 out of 5 stars
FDA, U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationNo0.5 out of 5 stars
NABP, National Association of Boards of PharmacyNo0.5 out of 5 stars
Legitscript Legal ListRogue0.5 out of 5 stars
DEA, U.S. Drug Enforcement AdministrationNo0.5 out of 5 stars
EMA, European Medicines AgencyNo0.5 out of 5 stars
PGEU GPUE, Pharmaceutical Group of European UnionNo0.5 out of 5 stars
PharmacyChecker Verification ProgramNo0.5 out of 5 stars
More Information About Website
Customer SupportYes4.5 out of 5 stars
Email supportYes4.5 out of 5 stars
Live ChatYes4.5 out of 5 stars
Check Order StatusNo0.5 out of 5 stars
FromPakistan, India, USA1 out of 5 stars
Shipping Cost (Standard airmail service)$22.902 out of 5 stars
Safety Payment (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)Yes4.5 out of 5 stars
American ExpressNo
BitcoinYes Coupon Code
Coupon Code (10% off)N/A0.5 out of 5 stars
Special OffersYes4.5 out of 5 stars
GiftNo0.5 out of 5 stars
Domain - Whois
RegistrarInternet Domain Service2.5 out of 5 stars
Creation Date2018-06-262.5 out of 5 stars
Registrant NamePrivate0.5 out of 5 stars
Admin NamePrivate0.5 out of 5 stars
Tech NamePrivate0.5 out of 5 stars

Overall rating     1.3 out of 5 stars





Domain Information

All website addresses have publicly available records showing details of the domain name registration. The information for this site shows that the name was first registered only recently and the contact information for the owner only tells us they are in Hungary.

It is unusual to find online pharmacies using a domain name with .pro as the top level domain. Normally sites prefer to go with .com or .net as it looks more professional and it is what people expect.


On further investigation, we find that they have previously registered and used the .com address. In fact, we know they have used at least three other domain names for this site, before now.




Why would a company choose to drop the .com address in favor of a less professional domain name? It is possible perhaps, though very unlikely, that they simply keep forgetting to renew the domain names. More likely that they keep changing website addresses because the authorities shut them down. On the FDA website, we find a letter to the registrars of the .co address asking them to take down the site.

The FDA got involved to shutdown, due to them selling misbranded and unapproved medicines. This lends considerable weight to the belief that this online drugstore is a Scam and not the legit business they want to portray. The owners of this site have also registered the domain name, showing that they expect to have to change website addresses again.



Business Name and Address

A reliable online pharmacy should be willing to give you their business name and contact details. There are no contact details available on this store. The domain name was supposedly registered by someone in Hungary and the site is hosted in Germany, but we can’t be sure exactly where the owners of this site are really based.



Legal Approval

Legal approval is an important way for you to know you are going to be ordering medicine which is safe to take, from a company which handles your personal details in a trustworthy manner. They don’t show any seals from regulatory associations on their site. The only mention of any regulations is them saying that the FDA has licensed their affiliated pharmacies. As we have previously seen, FDA approval is highly unlikely given that the FDA was involved in having an earlier version of this site shut down.


Medstore Online has been reviewed by LegitScript and given the rating of a ‘rogue’ pharmacy website. This is because they aren’t following the rules and regulations required to stick to the law for the countries they are selling into.



Medication on Sale

A fairly good range of products is available from this online pharmacy. They have pills for anxiety, birth control, migraine and men’s health among others. They only seem to offer generic drugs, most of which appear to have their origin in India. Drugs manufactured in India aren’t always of the highest quality and there seems to be little in the way of regulation. India is also one of the largest producers of counterfeit medicine.



Prescription Requirements

They say that it is legal to order prescription medicine over the Internet if it is for personal use. Though, there is no need to have a prescription to get prescription drugs from this store. Discount Coupon

We haven’t found any good Medstore Online discount codes. You can reduce the cost of your drugs by using e-check as a payment option, if you do this you get $15 off your order.


There is also a 20% discount available if you are willing to use Bitcoin to pay.



Payments and Shipping

Drugs can be bought from this store using credit cards, Bitcoin, bank transfer or e-check. Bank transfer and e-check payments can lead to a longer wait for your pills, however.


Products are delivered by an airmail service at a cost of $22.90. There is also a charge of $7.00 for insurance which you can’t avoid paying as it is automatically added to the shipping fee.


They only ship to the following countries; the USA, the UK, Australia, France, Belgium, Ireland, Denmark, Italy and Spain. Delivery can take between 2 weeks and up to a month.



Customer Support

If you need to contact customer support toll-free numbers are available for most countries they deliver to. There is also a web form and a live chat service. We have read many different reports about the quality of customer support, with some people very happy but many others rather angry with the service. Reviews and Testimonials

Customer testimonials can be a useful way for you to assess how trustworthy a pill supplier really is. The opinions of previous customers allow you to see past the marketing text on the site, showing you whether they stick to their promises or not. Unfortunately, testimonial pages on the online pharmacy sites themselves will only contain the most positive comments. Any negative customer reviews won’t be posted to the site.


On this online pharmacy there is a page for reviews and as expected the customer feedback found is entirely positive. The reviews seem to be genuine and go on for 8 pages, dating back to 2012.

This online drugstore seems to be quite popular, so we have been able to find a more independent source of customer reviews. These reviews aren’t nearly as universally good as those on the pharmacy’s own page. Many people report issues with very slow delivery with shipments often going missing completely. Those people who do actually receive their drugs often report the medication is Fake or counterfeit, with pills not doing anything when taken.




We are only going to give this online pharmacy 1.3 stars out of five overall rating. We have big concerns about the quality of pills this site sends out to customers, with many reports of fake medication. The FDA has been involved in getting their previous domain names blocked, which is why they keep changing address.


Clearly, the FDA thinks this site is a dangerous scam so you would be better off looking elsewhere.

Possible alternatives

While brick and mortar pharmacies are a safe bet any day, online pharmacies are better, cheaper and more convenient. There is a ton of pharmacies on the internet, and this ends up confusing the consumers, as they do not know who is legitimate and who is out for a quick back. This is where we come in; our experts are constantly scouring the internet, looking for pharmacies and evaluating them based on set criteria.

We provide highly relevant information about these pharmacies, which allows you to choose where to shop for your medication and decide what establishments to stay away from. Our content is periodically updated with information about both existing and upcoming online pharmacies.

For more information, take a look at the Highly Credible List of online drug stores on our website!!!

What experiences have you encountered while dealing with online drug stores? Has the quality of service in each pharmacy been exquisite? Has it been satisfying, or would you rather not talk about it? Whichever the case, share your story with us; you never know, it could save another reader a whole lot of trouble. Commenting on our threads is quite easy, and you will not even have to register to do that!  
Rating: 1

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