Reviews. Fraudulent Online Drugstore.

1.6 out of 5 stars is a drugstore that claims to be the No.1 online pharmacy in the world, having sold over a million pills to “satisfied customers”. This is a massive statement considering the fact that there are thousands of similar online pharmacies offering the same services. We therefore carried out a thorough assessment of this drugstore to determine if these claims are true. Unfortunately, our investigations reveal that this pharmacy is an outright Scam. Here is a detailed review to prove our assertions.


Read more Reviews – Complaints

4 out of 5 stars is a fully-fledged chemist that provides a wide range of medical services online. Based in the United Kingdom, the chemist offers low-cost prescription medicines and over the counter drugs under the careful watch of a licensed doctor. Although this pharmacy seems to be genuine, it has been threat-listed at least once during its lifespan. This review tells us why.


Read more Reviews – Warning! Unsafe Online Drugstore

1.7 out of 5 stars



Today we review, which is yet another online drugstore that deals in a number of generic prescription drugs and over the counter medications. This pharmacy claims to offer genuine medical services, including dispensing high-quality drugs to an international clientele. However, we tend to defer with these claims.


Below are facts that prove that this drugstore is not genuine.


Read more (First Medicine) Reviews – Bogus Online Pharmacy

1 out of 5 stars is one of the many online pharmacies claiming to dispense genuine drugs and health products to customers around the globe. However, after carrying out a comprehensive research on the operations of this drugstore, we can confirm that it is an illegal pharmacy.


This review highlights all the shady dealings and suspicious operations associated with this pharmacy.


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