Universaldrugstore.com Reviews. Hiding Their Real Location

3.7 out of 5 stars



Universaldrugstore.com will save you up to 80% on your medicine with the lowest price guaranteed. They also say they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and provide free pharmacist counseling. We investigate this online Canadian pharmacy to find out if these statements are really supported by the facts.


Business NameUniversal Drugstore
Business Address4936 Yonge Street - Suite 835
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M2N 6S3
4.5 out of 5 stars
LicenseYes4.5 out of 5 stars
Country of origin of medicationsCanada3.5 out of 5 stars
Countries where warehouses are locatedCanada3.5 out of 5 stars
Phone numbers/customer support+1-866-456-2456
Mirror WebsitesNo
Medication counterfeitingLow possibility
Compliance with storage requirements during transportation (temperature, humidity and other factors)No
Risk of poisoningLow possibility3.5 out of 5 stars
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
CIPA, Canadian International Pharmacy AssociationYes 4.5 out of 5 stars
HHS, U.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesNo0.5 out of 5 stars
FDA, U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationNo0.5 out of 5 stars
NABP, National Association of Boards of PharmacyNo0.5 out of 5 stars
Legitscript Legal ListNo0.5 out of 5 stars
DEA, U.S. Drug Enforcement AdministrationNo0.5 out of 5 stars
OCP, Ontario College of PharmacistsNo 0.5 out of 5 stars
PGEU GPUE, Pharmaceutical Group of European UnionNo0.5 out of 5 stars
PharmacyChecker Verification ProgramNo0.5 out of 5 stars
More Information About Website
Customer SupportYes4.5 out of 5 stars
Email supportYes4.5 out of 5 stars
Live ChatNo0.5 out of 5 stars
Check Order StatusYes4.5 out of 5 stars
FromCanada4 out of 5 stars
Shipping Cost (Standard airmail service)$74 out of 5 stars
Free shippingYes4.5 out of 5 stars
Safety Payment (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)Yes4.5 out of 5 stars
American ExpressNo
universaldrugstore.com Coupon Code
Coupon Code No0.5 out of 5 stars
Special offerNo0.5 out of 5 stars
Domain universaldrugstore.com - Whois
Domain Nameuniversaldrugstore.com
RegistrarRebel Ltd.3.5 out of 5 stars
Creation Date2002-05-094.5 out of 5 stars
Registrant NamePrivate0.5 out of 5 stars

Overall rating     3.7 out of 5 stars





Domain Information

The details of the owners of website domain name addresses are available for all to see in the Whois database records. The information for this domain name reveals that it was originally registered in 2002 and will remain registered until at least 2021. A long registration period like this normally suggests a website which is more likely to be a legit business. Unreliable and untrustworthy sites tend not to have such longevity for obvious reasons.

Whilst the length of time the address has been registered is great, what is less good is the use of a privacy service to keep their real contact information out of the database. A legit business shouldn’t feel the need to hide their information in this way.



Business Name and Address

Legit businesses should have their company name and address readily available on their site. There is a mailing address in the footer section of the website. When checking this address we find that it isn’t a real office or pharmacy location, instead, we find it is a mailbox address. The address on the site is actually for a UPS store.



Legal Certifications

If you are looking to buy medication online you need to make sure that the pills you receive are genuine and safe. Regulatory approvals should make sure that the drugs on offer are all they claim to be, containing the correct ingredients in the right amounts.


There are different standards of legal regulation around the world. This pharmacy is based in Canada where the main regulation comes from CIPA (the Canadian International Pharmacy Association). A seal from CIPA is displayed prominently on the home page of this store. When we check the CIPA database it confirms the correct use of this seal and their membership to the association.

LegitScript is an organization which checks if online pharmacies are abiding by the law when operating. Universal Drugstore is classified as an ‘unapproved’ pharmacy website, meaning that they do not meet LegitScript’s verification standard.



Medication on Sale

Prescription, over the counter and pet medication, is available on this site. Both brand-name pills and generic equivalent versions are offered for hundreds of different categories. They claim that the generic drugs can reduce your medication costs by as much as 80%, but the prices don’t appear to be particularly competitive to us.

Despite this being a Canadian pharmacy a lot of the pills on offer will not be sent from Canada. This online drugstore uses international fulfillment centers to source a large proportion of the medication they offer. They say that this is good because it means the prices are lower and it gives you more options if one location is running low on a particular drug. Countries which ship drugs include, but not limited to, India, the UK, Turkey, Vanuatu (a South Pacific island country) as well as Canada.


However, this setup could potentially put patients at risk of receiving Fake and counterfeit medication. Clearly, the standards for pharmacies are different in Canada, to how they might be in, for example, Turkey.



Prescription Requirements

You do need to have a prescription to order prescribed medicine from this online pharmacy. You are required to fill in a questionnaire along with an order form and send or fax them, together with your prescription, before your order will be dispensed.


Orders which are fulfilled by the Canada pharmacy are first reviewed by a licensed physician to make sure there is no clash between your order and other medications you are taking. They also say that this physician will check your entire medical history, though surely they have to take your word for it since they only have access to your questionnaire results. You are able to speak to a pharmacist for free if you need to have some concerns answered, which is good.


Many of the drugs will be dispatched from other countries. They do confess that your order will only be reviewed for issues if it is dispensed in Canada. They get rather fuzzy about pills dispensed in other parts of the world, though, you do see where the drugs are being sent from before you place an order.



UniversalDrugstore.com Coupon

We haven’t found a promotion code for this online pharmacy.



Payments and Delivery

Pills can be purchased using

  • Credit cards
  • International money orders
  • International postal money orders
  • E-check
  • Traditional check


The site has a valid SSL security certificate with additional protection from Norton.


Shipping costs $7 for orders under $100 to addresses in either the USA or Canada. Orders over $100 qualify for free shipping to these destinations. If you are outside of North America shipping costs $19.95. Delivery time is expected to take between 2 and 3 weeks in North America and between 4 and 6 weeks elsewhere in the world.



UniversalDrugstore.com Reviews

You should really be able to trust reviews you find posted to online pharmacies. The problem is that you often can’t. It is all too common to find fake customer reviews posted to drugstore websites. The reason for the creation of fake reviews is because the owner of the site knows that positive feedback leads to more sales. This site has a few pages dedicated to customer testimonials.

All the reviews are very positive giving the site 5-stars, but can you really trust pharmacy reviews found here? It is always better to find customer feedback on an independent site for obvious reasons. We have found UniversalDrugstore.com reviews on a few different independent sites, including Better Business Bureau and MyWOT.

The reviews found on these independent sites are more varied, with the more recent reviews being less complimentary than earlier testimonials.



Customer Service

This online pharmacy claims to provide helpful and friendly patient care available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can contact them using toll-free numbers or by email.




This site has been around for a long time, has some regulatory approval and offers pharmacist consultations for free. Whilst these things are really good and things which we like to see, there are some less good thing we’ve discovered about this pharmacy.


The fact that they are hiding their location isn’t great and the lack of accountability for the international fulfillment centers reduces our rating to 3.7 out of 5.0 stars.


Possible alternatives

While brick and mortar pharmacies are a safe bet any day, online pharmacies are better, cheaper and more convenient. There is a ton of pharmacies on the internet, and this ends up confusing the consumers, as they do not know who is legitimate and who is out for a quick back. This is where we come in; our experts are constantly scouring the internet, looking for pharmacies and evaluating them based on set criteria.

We provide highly relevant information about these pharmacies, which allows you to choose where to shop for your medication and decide what establishments to stay away from. Our content is periodically updated with information about both existing and upcoming online pharmacies.

For more information, take a look at the Highly Credible List of online drug stores on our website!!!

What experiences have you encountered while dealing with online drug stores? Has the quality of service in each pharmacy been exquisite? Has it been satisfying, or would you rather not talk about it? Whichever the case, share your story with us; you never know, it could save another reader a whole lot of trouble. Commenting on our threads is quite easy, and you will not even have to register to do that!  
Rating: 1

2 thoughts on “Universaldrugstore.com Reviews. Hiding Their Real Location”


    Rating: 1
    • We are sorry that you have such a situation. The pharmacy looks a reliable one that’s why we can’t explain their behavior. Did you try to call them? It sometimes helps.


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